Steel Awards Project Nomination Form

SAISC Steel Awards Project Nomination Form
Contact Information

Members receive a discounted rate on project nominations.

Project Details

The name you use here will appear in any marketing, video or printed material, so be sure to get it right!

You're submitting the project, so that makes you the Nominator - but let us know which other parts of the project you were involved with.

The categories below facilitate a smoother judging process, and do not necessarily represent categories of awards or commendations for Steel Awards 2023. While you can select as many categories as you feel apply, projects will be judged in a maximum of two categories. Final decisions on award types and commendations will be made by the judging panel and the SAISC support team.

Finance Contact Details

Who should the invoice for this project nomination be sent to?

Your project nomination invoice will be on its way to you shortly. Please keep an eye on your inbox for details of the next steps in your nomination process. If you would like to make a table booking for the Steel Awards please complete the TABLE BOOKING FORM.

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